Keeping Your Pearly Whites in Shape: Knowing the Different Services of a Dentist


Brushing your teeth may not be enough to keep your pearly whites in shape. Why not head to a dental clinic? Afraid? Overcome it; you’re old enough and should not be afraid of the dentist chair. Dentists offer different services.

Here are some things you should expect if you live in Melbourne or other places and are looking for quality dental care,.  Oral hygiene care is one of the most common procedures a dentist in Melbourne may offer you. This procedure entails professional teeth cleaning and removal of any invasive tooth particles, like tartar, that has accumulated in the patient’s oral cavity over time.  Professionals use special instruments to remove the mineralized plaque that often accumulates in teeth even with careful brushing and flossing.

Another service that you can expect a Melbourne dentist to perform is tooth extraction.  This involves the removal of rotten or broken teeth due to injury or tooth decay. Dental professionals can also improve the appearance of your teeth.  In the past, braces used to be cumbersome and quite unappealing to the wearer.  However, with the advent of new technology, dentists can now install what is called invisible braces.  The use of Invisalign makes it easier than ever for patients to fix the alignment of their teeth without worrying about their appearance.

For patients with a missing tooth or full arch of teeth, dental implants are an option that will work wonders.  The dentist implants an artificial tooth root to the jaw in order to hold in place a tooth prosthetic or bridge in this popular procedure.  If this procedure seems a bit too much for you, crowns may be a good alternative for teeth restoration following decay or injury. What is good about crowns is that they hold a perfect fit on the remaining original tooth, so that the result is a perfect teeth appearance and smile that looks very natural.

Another popular procedure, perhaps the most common one at that, is teeth whitening.  Some people are born with yellowish teeth while others develop these due to inappropriate lifestyle choices such as smoking and drinking too much coffee.

A dental professional in Melbourne can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.

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